Fran on Holidays last year

Fran on Holidays last year
Vino at Mercatello

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thursday bike ride

John and Steve debriefing outside the Modern Bar 
The McNaughts, Brannocks and Maitlands relaxing on the Terrace
I've swam in  the Mediterranean, now I've cycled the Tour de France route! Well part of it.

We drove to Carces about half an hour away (John, Lin and Andy cycled all the way there!) Then we hired bikes and headed for the lake. We rode along beside the lake on a part of the road the Tour followed! So officially I have ridden the route for about 2 km.It was a gorgeous day and the lake was reflective green and still and it was so peaceful once we got onto the bike track.

We finished as all cyclists do with a cafe latte and headed back to Cotignac for lunch before a big afternoon storm hit. It rained and thundered and lightening struck and it was so good to be safe in this
beautiful house.

By 4 it was fine enough to head off to The Modern Bar (its not very modern at all but has a TV) to watch the Tour; and with John and Andy our resident cycling experts giving us guidance we were able to follow the race tactics and tried to understand what was going on. I miss the SBS coverage.

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